Camaron Rebosado Recipe and Procedure

Camaron Rebosado Recipe and Procedure

Camaron Rebosado Recipe is one of the expensive foods that can be eaten here in the Philippines. It is classy because seafood here in the Philippines are expensive when it comes to cooking dishes. It is included as the list of the expensive food when it comes to main ingredients are the Crabs, Prawn/ Shrimps, and many more. Only the Fish is the common ingredients and can buy anywhere with an affordable price. This dish can be found selected restaurant here in the Philippines.

Back to the dish, as you can see the main or the primary ingredients is the Shrimp. It is very easy to make as it doesn’t need complex in cooking. This dish is also popular in Japan as it called tempura and shrimp croquettes. As well as in Korea as it is known as saeu-twigim and one of the popular street foods there. Camaron Rebosado also was known as the battered shrimp, it is a deep-fried battered shrimp dish in Filipino cuisine typically served with a sweet and sour sauce similar to Japenese food tempura.

Listed below are the Ingredients and procedure on how to make Camaron Rebosado (Battered Shrimp)

Ingredients of the Camaron Rebosado (Battered Shrimp)

1 lb shrimp peeled and deveined
1 piece lemon
8 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon salt
2 pieces raw eggs
1 tablespoon fresh milk
3 cups cooking oil

Instructions of the Camaron Rebosado (Battered Shrimp)

  1. Marinate the shrimp in lemon juice for 30 minutes.
  2. Combine flour, cornstarch, and salt in a mixing bowl then mix well.
  3. Add the eggs and milk stir until all the ingredients are well distributed.
  4. Heat a pan and pour-in the cooking oil.
  5. When the oil is hot enough, dip a piece of shrimp in the batter (leave the tail uncovered) then deep-fry until the color of the outer part turns dark yellow and the texture becomes crispy.
  6. Remove from the pan or fryer then place in a plate with paper towel (this will absorb excess oil).
  7. Serve with sweet and sour sauce. Share and enjoy!

Videos for Sample Cooking of the Camaron Rebosado (Battered Shrimp)

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