Potato Balls Recipe

Potato Balls Recipe is a very easy and nutritious food recipe that can be done at home. It can be cooked and make 15 minutes only. Many people love to eat potatoes. One of the popular food recipes of the potato is the French Fries where many kids and even adult love to eat at the fast-food chain. Aside from making French Fries, Potato can be used many different ways, grilled, fried, one of the ingredients of the viand and much more. This article will show you how to make other dishes using the Potato that will surely love your kids and even adults.

  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 3,5 oz 100g softened butter
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Flour, egg and breadcrumbs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil


  • First, boil the potatoes. Put them in plenty of water with a pinch of salt and cook for about 25 minutes.
  • Once cooked, let cool and peel them. They must be slightly warm for after butter is integrated more easily. Put them in a bowl and crush them well with a fork.
  • Add egg yolk, butter, pepper and a pinch of salt. Stir and integrate all ingredients. Then cover it and leave it to cool in the fridge minimum 2 hours, so that the mass is compacted.
  • After that, bread them. Take a teaspoon of the dough and make it into a ball shape. After that, cover with flour, egg, and breadcrumb and leave on a plate until finishing to finish making all balls.
  • Finally, fry them. Put them in plenty of oil. It should be hot but, not too much or the balls will burst. When they are browned, remove from oil and put them on paper towel. They are finished!

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